Therapeutic Approaches

I offer counselling, guidance, support and assistance about lifestyle, assisting with problem solving, and promoting access to resources. As well, I may introduce interventions such as psychotherapy, trauma-informed stabilization treatment, compassionate inquiry, somatic experiencing, and other specialized interventions.

Certified Clinical Trauma Professional Level II (CCTP-II)

At Rising Strong - Nurse Psychotherapy, we are proud to offer Certified Clinical Trauma Professional Level II (CCTP-II) services. This certification signifies our commitment to providing expert nursing care for mental health and addiction, with a specific focus on trauma. Our goal is to help individuals navigate and overcome the challenges associated with trauma to lead fulfilling lives.

Mindful Self-Compassion - Learn to Accept Yourself, Build Inner Strength, & Thrive

Practices and Exercises for developing self-compassion:

What is self-compassion?

The benefits of self-compassion


Developing loving-kindness

Self-compassion for shame, relationships, caregivers, anger, and more ...



Psychoeducation: Your Brain & Nervous System

Soothing the traumatized brain and nervous system through a three-phase, skill-building approach:

Phase 1- Safety and Stabilization 

Phase 2 - Treating Trauma

Phase 3 - Consolidation, Integration, & Reconnection

Somatic Trauma Healing - Trauma is Broken Connection

Key Somatic Therapy Techniques for Complex Trauma

Tame the Survival Response 

Repair Attachment Wounds and Relational Trauma

Healing Strategies for Attachment Injury and Relational Trauma

Compassionate Inquiry for the Healing of Deep Traumatic Wounds

Used in the healing of deep traumatic wounds that can be the primary cause of human suffering

Using Compassionate Inquiry to Get to the Root of Your Suffering

The Three Levels of Self-Knowledge: Mind, Heart and Intuition

Develop a Better Understanding of Self

Increase Self-Compassion and Awareness Through Compassionate Inquiry



Integrative Polyvagal Theory for Trauma, Anxiety, Depression, Anger, Attachment & More

Helping Clients Respond to Changes in Their Nervous Systems

Neuroplasticity Simplified: Nervous System Change & Balance

Sensory Interventions to Increase Felt Safety


Ready to start your healing journey?

Reach out to Rising Strong - Nurse Psychotherapy today and take the first step on your pathway to well-becoming.